Acrobatics Shows

Our acrobatic team has won the world’s highest acrobatic award – Monte Carlo International Acrobatic Competition, the President of the French Republic Award, and the Excellent Drama Award at the Military Arts Festival. Beside these, the team actors have also been selected to perform for Party and Country’s leaders multiple times. The performances have been commended them. One of the famous Acrabics Drama “RumengChangan” has appeared on CCTV and other main TV platforms and is very popular among the audiences.

A Roman girl, who admired the prosperous era of the Tang Dynasty and the charm of Chang’an, insisted on following the trade caravan to the Silk Road and marched towards the dream of Chang’an.  Along the Silk Road, the Roman girl experienced various exotic customs and she arrived in Chang’an  where she met with the General of the Tang Dynasty.  In Chang’an city, an inclusive and spacious civilization
Under the infiltration, the Roman girl gradually grew up and also gained a connection with the Tang Dynasty. And she got her loyal love of military crossing regions and cultures.